Total OT Services
Living and Social Skills Group
for tweens and teens
We provide living and social skills groups for preteens and teens with developmental challenges
in a supportive environment to help them explore, develop, and participate in the myriad of
activities that open the world to their young adulthood.

To provide living and social skills groups for preteens and teens with developmental challenges in a supportive environment to help them explore, develop, and participate in the myriad of activities that open the world to their young adulthood.

Small peer groups of 3 to 6 preteens and teens, facilitated and supervised by two occupational therapists, conducting 2 to 3 simulation sessions followed by practice in real world environments. Examples include outings, using public transportation, grocery shopping, attending restaurants, library etiquette, etc.

Gaining skills and promoting functional independence and social access in their community. Our group provides a supportive environment for preteen and early teens to help them explore, develop and participate in a myriad of activities that opens the world to their young adulthood.

Jazmin Elek OTR/L C/NDT
Jazmin has been a pediatric occupational therapist since 2000. Over the course of her career she has taken advanced courses in Sensory Integration, Floortime DIR, and motor development. She is certified in Neuro Developmental Treatment.
Currently Jazmin serves on a multidisciplinary team in the Pediatrics Department at UCSF – San Francisco General Hospital campus which specializies in early developmental vulnerabilities. She is culturally sensitive and has worked and studied in many countries, including China, India, Mexico, Peru and Guatemala.
Jazmin is also a licensed cosmetologist. Currently she uses her haircutting skills to assist children who have difficulties tolerating haircuts.
When not working, Jazmin enjoys playing guitar, cycling, spending time with her family and hiking with her dogs.

Stephen Leonard MOTR/L
Stephen has over 20 years of experience as an occupational therapist. When his son was born with congenital heart defects and later diagnosed with autism, Stephen delved into pediatric, dietary, pharmacological, rehabilitation, and behavioral therapies across various settings.
He has treated clients with neurological, developmental, and orthopedic conditions in acute care, inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation, and home care. Stephen also participated in an overseas pediatric outreach program.
Currently, he works in private practice, providing home care, seating and mobility evaluations.
Stephen enjoys coaching baseball for children with developmental and physical challenges, believing that everyone deserves the chance to fully engage and explore the world.
• Every Thursday, 4pm to 5pm
• 1426 Fillmore Street Suite 317
• Fee: $120 per session, includes activity expenses